Cave Survey & Cartography Diver


The Underwater Cave Survey & Cartography Diver course  is a training designed to learn how to map, explore and measure underwater caves. During the training, students will learn the techniques of collecting measurements, laying exploration ropes, documentation using video cameras, and drawing cave plans. The Underwater Cave Survey & Cartography training  is dedicated not only to previously unexplored cave systems, but also to applying new data to previously drawn maps, which are often not as accurate as we might think. New measurement concepts and new measurement technologies offer much greater possibilities than in earlier years  when maps were created, which are widely used to this day.


  • Full Cave Diver license
  • logged in at least 50 non-training cave dives

REQUIRED EQUIPMENT  (apart from cave diving equipment)

Equipment needed to make cave measurements (Cave Survey Slate, Wall Survey Slate, Survey Station Markers, manual sonar for measuring distances, MNemo tool, necessary software) - are provided by  the instructor conducting the course.


4 days


1000 EUR + 80 EUR certificate and manual

1500 EUR  individual course + 80 EUR certificate and manual 

Price does not include:

Gas, tanks  and required student's diving equipment 
Gas, dive site entry fees and the instructor's stay costs  (accommodation, flight etc)  - for courses done away from Spain


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